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PS1) Human action is based on the secular respect of the sanctity of every form of Life in harmony with the laws of Nature and the Universe.

PS2) Community relationships and interspecific relationships are ruled by the principles of love and gratitude.

PS3) Development is based on creativity, beauty, and knowledge for the ultimate good of the country and all the species living in it.

A - Education

A.1 Education is available and free of charge for all citizens, regardless of age.

A.2 Everyone is encouraged to develop self-understanding and self-awareness as all knowledge is intrinsic to every human being.

A.3. All citizens living in Italian territory have the right to a comprehensive, free education through versatile, creative teaching which takes into consideration their individual nature, character, talents and dreams as well as their free choice and aptitude.

A.4 Understanding the cycles of life and its laws gives everyone all they need to achieve self-realization.

A.5 Education will be based on mutual teaching that also takes into consideration the empirical knowledge of the elderly, and will take place in any type or level of learning centre that can be freely accessed by everyone.

A.6 Education will favour an experiential approach through play, practical experimentation or way.

A.7 Development of the power of both cerebral hemispheres, knowledge relating to the world of nature and the universe, and inner listening are the cornerstones of every teaching model.

B - Health

B.1 Health is an essential, primary commodity and must be maintained through prevention. B.2 Citizens have the right to be taken care of and assisted in every phase of their lives with all available means so that they can receive all the free care and assistance they need to stay healthy.

B.3 If citizens experience a psychophysical imbalance, they have the right to stay in specialist centres where they can freely choose and receive all the necessary treatments to recover completely.

B.4 Regardless their training, physicians start with a holistic observation that accepts health as a whole based on a perfect balance between the physical, emotional and mental being and the psychological and environmental setting.

B.5 Key treatments include holistic and bioenergetic tools, healthy, good quality food, natural settings, and vibrations of joy and love so that the normal functions of the body/mind/soul system can be restored in harmony with the circadian rhythms.

C - The Economy

C1 The State will provide every citizen in the Italian territory with a monthly welfare income that covers the cost of essentials, such as accommodation, food, clothes and psychophysical wellbeing.

C.2 The economy is based on the circular concept and is generally accepted as its sole purpose is to ensure the wellbeing of the entire community.

C.3 All forms of an inclusive economy, such as the use of money, bartering and donations, are accepted.

C.4 Banks are solely the custodians of the money which is amassed and produced. Money is one of the tools of the inclusive wealth. Banks lend money on trust to any and all types of local initiatives and personal and public projects, provided that they comply with the Guiding Principles.

C.5 All citizens are free and able to carry out their own businesses for as long as they wish in line with their personal talents and to specialize in their preferred field.

D - Social services

D.1 With a view to cultivating and nurturing a natural predisposition for service, all citizens must do work that serves society in a way that is compatible with their personal talents, age and health so that everybody can gradually learn to take care of others and the environment with love, both in a crisis and in everyday life.

D.2 Those who temporarily act as coordinators for the sound administration of the State respect their commitments with humility and in compliance with the Guiding Principles, and do so in service of and for the sole good of society according to the concept of sharing.

E - Transport

E.1 The State provides citizens with green means of transport that are completely environmentally friendly.

E.2 Private means of transport are permitted only if they have the technology to minimize the burden on society and ensure zero impact on the environment.

E.3 All activities, initiatives and projects designed to produce any form of environmentally-friendly means of transport will be encouraged.

F - The Environment

F.1 The sanctity of the Earth and every one of its mineral, vegetable or animal inhabitants is universally recognized.

F.2 The territory and its biodiversity are protected. Different disciplines, such as natural agriculture, bioarchitecture, climatology, botany, and ecology, will be used in tandem to create an ecosustainable world.

F.3 Toxic materials will be gradually replaced with environmentally-friendly materials until they have been completely eliminated.

F.4 All good recycling, re-using, repairing and bartering practices shall be adopted.

F.5 Clean energy is supplied free for individual and public use.

F.6 The territory’s native specificities and spontaneous species shall be protected and promoted while respecting their natural environment.

F.7 The distribution of food to all the areas of the territory, both on the mainland and on its islands, shall be guaranteed in accordance with requirements and needs with particular attention to quality and the promotion of the products of excellence unique to each geographical area.

G - Development

G.1 Individual and group creativity and all forms of intellectual freedom of expression are encouraged provided that they comply with the Guiding Principles.

G.2 Development is based on the concept of “being” not “having” and aims to spread the values of respect, sensitivity, and love and bring about the natural balance of our planet.

G.3 Female care and acceptance wedded with male dynamic energy are the forces that jointly structure the present/future for all citizens.

G.4 Providing that they comply with the Guiding Principles, every thought and creed is recognized as a possible source of mutual enrichment, while respecting the individual freedom to hold and develop a personal point of view.

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